Crossing the Blues
Composer Carter Burwell today delivered the exciting news many of you had been waiting to hear. Rob will be back playing the piano as Edward in Breaking Dawn Part 2:
Just wrote "Renesmee's Lullaby" for Twilight Breaking Dawn. Rob Pattinson will play it on camera this week.

Burwell tweeted that update, and then confirmed the news on a post on his official site:

And he just wrote "Renesmee's Lullaby" for Twilight Breaking Dawn 2, which Rob Pattinson will play on camera. The film will be released in November 2012.

So not only will Rob play a (sure to melt-your-hearts) dad as Edward, but we also get to watch him play for little Renesmee?.. swoon x 1000!

Here's a refresher :)

via source