Crossing the Blues
UPDATE 1/16:  We've added the still of this smoldering moment. Check it out now!

You are looking at the first official still of Edward and Bella in Breaking Dawn. Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive on its next issue (with Johnny Depp on the cover). Access Hollywood and Entertainment Tonight (E! too?) have a preview tonight.

And this from EW (via Twisource):
Entertainment Weekly has an exclusive first look at The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1. The shot, which is only available in Entertainment Weekly’s print edition, features Bella (Kristen Stewart) and Edward (Robert Pattinson) as husband and wife…on their wedding night. “It’s one of the most anticipated scenes,” Breaking Dawn director Bill Condon tells EW. “I spent a tremendous amount of time thinking about it. The anticipation is part of it and you want to play with what people expect and maybe subvert it a little and surprise them.”For more information about Breaking Dawn (in theaters Nov. 18), check out this week’s issue of Entertainment Weekly
Scan frow EW

The EW issue is now on sale!

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Uploaded by officialspunkransom. - Full seasons and entire episodes online.

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Finally, want to revisit Edward and Bella's hot moments in bed? - Hollywood Crush takes you back!

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